A Letter to the Girls Inc. Community
Dear Friends and Supporters of Girls Inc.:
As a generous supporter of the programming and mentoring that Girls Inc. provides, you know better than most people that the girls who rely on our resources come from some of the most vulnerable demographics. Many face poverty and other forms of injustice.
Schools, out-of-school-time programs, and community centers are at the forefront of keeping these girls safe and helping them thrive. While the current closing of these key community gathering places is clearly very necessary in the face of the pandemic, it has also forced a halt to Girls Inc. programming at both of our locations – Lakeland and Bartow. Without these sites, we have very little ability to be there for many of the girls whose situation is already fragile.
This gap in support for our girls and their families are of great concern to us, and yet the urgent national need to lessen the impact of COVID-19 gives us few options. During these unprecedented times I am proud to be able to say that during these times we have found other ways to support our girls and their families - by partnering with our local school district to help distribute breakfast and lunch to many of our girls and students while schools are closed, by checking in with girls via texting and calls, and creating opportunities to bring girls together virtually.
In the middle of all of this, we also realize that the economic downturn will have a significant impact on those friends and allies whose financial support allows Girls Inc. to deliver programming at reduced cost to many of the girls who participate in our program. The net effect on the girls we serve could be devastating.
No one knows for sure what lies ahead, but I believe, at some point, not too long from now, our community institutions will be able to get back to something that’s closer to normal. When that happens, Girls Inc. will be poised to pick up where we left off, offering the supports that girls need to become the leaders they were born to be.
Please continue to help us even as we struggle with the uncertainty that everyone is now facing. We need you now more than ever to ensure we can sustain our excellent staff and proven programming during what we hope is only a brief period. Keeping our resources strong will position us, once the current crisis is over, to continue serving the girls who are our communities’ and nation’s future.
On behalf of everyone in our organization, thank you. We are so grateful for your support and thank you for joining us in making it a priority to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.
Yours for children,
Kay Fields, President and CEO